Specifications Frequency Min.2000 MHz # Throws8 # Poles1 Frequency Max.8000 MHz # Poles1 # Throws8 Insertion Loss2.9 dB Max Isolation65 dB Min VSWR2 Min RiseTime Typ.30 ns Fall Time (Typical)30 ns On/Off Time Typical200 ns On/Off Time (Max)300 ns Positive Supply Voltage5 V Positive Supply Current215 mA Negative Supply Voltage-15 V Negative Supply Current215 mA Reflective0 AbsorptiveTrue Inverting LogicTrue Input ConnectorSMA-M Output ConnectorSMA-M Input ConnectorSMA-M Output ConnectorSMA-M
Please review the product PDF which contains the full and complete specifications. For conflicts between the information on this page and the product PDF, the product PDF takes precedence.